Pre WOD: Build across 5 sets of:
1 + 2 Halting Snatch Grip Deadlift + Hang Snacth Pull (1+2)
Rest 2 minutes
in 12 minutes build to a heavy:
3 Position Power Snatch
3 sets of:
6 Lean Away Pull Ups
20 – 30 second Ring Support / turnout
WOD: 10 – 1 reps for time of:
Cal Row
Overhead Squats (115/75)
End of WODIFY…
Please note that Reebok CrossFit Back Bay will be moving on from the WODIFY software. I know that some of you have used it religiously, while some of you are reading this and asking yourselves what WODIFY is. Either way, it’s all good. We will be stopping our use of it starting this weekend.
I just want to make sure that if you have been using the software, that you download all of your information in order to retain it.
That is also to say that if you have not been keeping track of results, there is no better time to download an app to do so, or keep track of things the old fashion way: a notebook!!!
Oldie, but goodie,